유자청영어로 과일청 영어. 유자청만들기

유자청 (Yuja-cheong) is commonly translated to Yuja Marmalade or Yuzu Citron Syrup in English. It’s a traditional Korean syrup or marmalade made from yuja (also known as yuzu), sugar, and sometimes honey. The general English term for 과일청 is Fruit Syrup or Fruit Preserve, depending on the preparation method. How to Make Yuja-cheong (Yuzu Marmalade): Ingredients: 1 kg yuja (yuzu) 1 kg sugar (white or brown) Optional: 200 g honey (for added flavor) Steps: 1. Prepare the Yuja: Wash the yuja thoroughly with baking soda or vinegar to remove impurities and wax from the skin. Rinse with clean water and dry them completely. 2. Slice the Yuja: Cut the yuja into halves and remove the seeds carefully. Thinly slice the yuja, including the peel, as the rind adds flavor. 3. Mix with Sugar: Combine the sliced yuja and sugar in a clean, dry bowl. Mix well until the sugar coats the yuja slices evenly. Optional: Add honey for a more complex sweetness. 4. Store: Transfer the m...